文法上, 有錯嗎?

2006-11-24 12:26 am
I was in Taipo with some friends and we had rented bicycles.
It was a lovely warm day.
We were going along the path slowly.
We were just enjoying ourselves.

回答 (7)

2006-11-24 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
在文法上基本沒錯, 但是句子的結構和意思便有問題了. 先用中文說一遍你所寫的意思讓你看看有沒有問題.

1. 我在大埔和一些朋友(我和一些朋友在大埔)和我們租了(租咗)單車.
有意思嗎? 以下是一個比較正確的說法, 若你想說你去大埔玩, 後來才租車, 便會是另一寫法了.
Correct one: Last Sunday, my friend and I were in Taipo where we rented some bicycles for cycling. 你既然說出去大埔這地點租單車, 你也應寫出在那一日去.

2. 怎可用將 lovely 和 warm 這兩個形容詞放在一起?
Correct one: It's a warm and lovely day!!

3. 你說你沿著路徑慢慢走去, 那你是不是在馬路行? along the path 是中式英文, 其實有時我們學識英文後, 便會知道一些中文是有問題的, 這句便是其中一例子. 有一個朋友問過, I walked along the stair. 而這句是錯的, 這句就像你那句一樣. 只沿著樓梯(旁邊)走而永遠都不可以上或落樓.

Correct one: We were cycling slowly ON the path.

4. 我們只是享受我們自己? 不是吧! 你們怎享受自己? 你要寫出你享受什麼才對.

Correct one: We enjoyed the activety so much and we had a sea food dinner at Sam Mun Tsai after the cycling .(三門仔, 吃海鮮不錯, 但那個英文譯文不知有否錯, 若你要跟足來用, 你便要查證了)
2006-11-30 5:51 pm
agree with gjhgdf
2006-11-30 2:28 am
可能你意圖係幫人, 可惜錯得交關不得不負評. (1) 無需要寫那一日 (2) 並無規定話兩個形容詞一定要用 and 來連起 (3) walked along the stair 是沿著梯級而行, 只是沒說明方向, 不是沿著樓梯旁邊 (4) enjoy oneself 是普通不過的地道英語說法!!! 咁都未聽過!!??
2006-11-24 1:14 am
I was in Tai Po(我唔知係唔係真係有Taipo此地)with my friends and we rode bicycles.
We went along the path slowly.
We were enjoying ourselves.
2006-11-24 12:36 am
好似你講緊 d 中文英文

My friends and I rented bicycles for fun while we were in Taipo.
It was a warm and lovely day.
We cycling slowly along the cycling path.
We all enjoyed the pleasure time that day.
2006-11-24 12:32 am
大致上沒問題, past tense 用得恰當!
參考: 自己
2006-11-24 12:30 am

我是在Taipo 與一些朋友並且我們租用了自行車。這是一可愛的溫暖的天。我們慢慢地去沿道路。我們是正義的開心。

2006-11-23 16:31:23 補充:
參考: 我

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