
2006-11-23 9:49 pm
我想問provision for depreciation 係咪 = accumulated depreciation ar?
如果係o既話咁係咪啫係bal. sheet 入面 fixed assets o既cost 會減provision for depreciation ar?

回答 (3)

2006-11-28 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
provision for depreciation 可以是 = accumulated depreciation



Acc. dep 有累計字眼,一定是balance sheet items
Depreciation for fixed assets, 一定是income statements (P/L) items,
故避免用provision for depreciation這個字眼 ,因為可以B/S or P/L (e.g. provision for bad debts)用

Yes, Fixed assets : Cost - Acc Dep = Net book value 現值價 (因為它已經折讓的,跟攤銷)

2006-11-29 17:15:06 補充:
修正一說:-Provision for depreciation 嚴格來說不可以等於 accumulated depreciation一般會計處理叫法:=Accumulated depreciation (累積折舊的字眼),一定是balance sheet itemsDepreciation for fixed assets, 一定是income statements (P/L) itemsYes, Fixed assets : Cost - Acc Dep = Net book value 現值價 (因為它已經折讓的,跟年份增長而攤銷)

2006-11-29 17:16:25 補充:
但是一般人也用provision for bad debts 概念來看,雖然不是太正確,也錯不哂。Dr Provision for bad debts (P/L)Cr Provision for bad debts (B/S)記住:-P/L – 只是計今年的折舊撥備B/S – 是累計多年來的折舊撥備(PS:謝謝Freemason~Anson_Siu 的提點)

2006-11-29 19:38:59 補充:
In Balance Sheet -------- 很少會計人員會採取這字眼----> Provision for depreciationIn Income Statement / Profit & Loss A/C ------ 大多會計人員會採取字眼----> Depreciation for fixed assets (plant and equipment) / Provision for depreciation / Depreciation, and etc.

2006-11-29 19:39:21 補充:
為免有字眼問題,所以簡單只記 --- DEBIT ----- 是入在「損益賬」CREDIT----- 是入在「資產負債表」
2006-12-02 11:50 pm
2006-11-23 9:56 pm

Don't know why i have to input so much characters to let me post the answer.....
sometimes.. the answer is really YES only.

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