Id like to know the symptoms of high blood pressure.

2006-11-23 8:00 pm
Hi all, Id like to know the symptoms of the high blood pressure. What is the norm blood pressure? Is there any medical chart? And how to solve the problem medically as well as dietary.

p.s. Is there any information/article which is related to blood pressure?

p.p.s I know there's a site : but I can't find the detail information about the high blood pressure....Anyone knows about dat?


To siniong_2004: Actually, if I have enough time~i can do net surfing and get the answers of my question"s" myself. And some questions like(solve the problem medically as well as dietary), I need some concrete answers.


To siniong_2004: But did you read all my questions? Sorry for the doubt, but I think your answer is really shallow and layman :(

回答 (2)

2006-11-23 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. The arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all of the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase the blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called re-hypertension? and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure, which is the top number, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries. The diastolic pressure, which is the bottom number, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after the contraction. The diastolic pressure, therefore, reflects the minimum pressure to which the arteries are exposed.

An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). These complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. Accordingly, the diagnosis of high blood pressure in an individual is important so that efforts can be made to normalize the blood pressure and, thereby, prevent the complications. Since hypertension affects approximately 1 in 4 adults in the United States, it is clearly a major public health problem.

Whereas it was previously thought that diastolic blood pressure elevations were a more important risk factor than systolic elevations, it is now known that for individuals older than 50 years of age systolic hypertension represents a greater risk.
2006-11-23 8:09 pm
You go to yahoo home page, use the search function and type 高血壓, it will show many website about it. You can browse their websites and found the information you need there.

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