
2006-11-23 7:15 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 12:46 am
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Qatar Airways現時除了A300及A310的機隊是二手之外,A320,A330及A340都是新飛機,這批A300及A310多來自Korean Air, Garuda及Air Alfa. 但有一架A340是來自卡塔爾政府的.

2006-11-23 22:30:37 補充:
shermen_li8154Where's your source? Make sure you know it well before you answer the question please.
2006-11-24 1:22 am
Currently Qatar Airways have a fleet of 9 A300, 1 A310, 2 A319, 12 A320, 2 A321, 15 A330-200, 8 A330-300, 3 A340-600 in total 52... Only the 10 A300/A310 are second hand from many Korean Air/Gurada...
And with a order of 1 A320, 5 A321, 6 A330-200, 5 A330-300, 1 A340-600, 2 A380-800, 6 B777-200LR, 14 B777-300ER in total 40 of them...The A330 still on order will be replacing those A300/A310 which will then be retired soon...
These 10 A300/A310 mainly operate regional routes in Middle-East as these aircraft are not fitted with PTV etc...
2006-11-24 12:47 am

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