I feel left out because of this? 請問點解?

2006-11-23 5:38 pm
I feel left out because of this? 請問點解?

left out 點解? 是noun ? 是adjective? 是verb?

點解fee 唔使轉過去式 left 反而要?

I have a problem. I am fifteen years old and nearly all my friends at school have pets. I feel left out because of this. I have asked my parents many times if I can have a dog or a cat but she always say no. 這是上文下理

回答 (3)

2006-11-23 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i feel left out because of this 因為甘我比冷落 / 因為甘我覺得我唔屬於依度
i feel left out because of a person or something
i feel left out because of her
i feel left out because i didn't get a good grade like the rest of the class

left out = leave out = verb phrase = no tense
left out = don't feel the belonging there, to omit, exclude

因為 left out 無 tense ﹐ 所以 feel 就系 個 tense。

i feel left out
i felt left out in the past
i will feel left out if you guys don't play with me
tommy says, "i feel left out because of this." "what is this?" "my test score."
2006-11-23 6:09 pm
left out 是一個phrase,不能改變。不論前面的文型是什麼,都是用left out.

left out 是解作被孤立。全句的意思如下:
I feel left out because of this

Hope that helps!
2006-11-23 5:50 pm
to be left out 沒有被選中、不能跟他人一同參與、錯過
left out 是動詞to leave out的形容詞用法

feel 是現在型,跟left沒關係,因為left是以past participle做形容詞型

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