Follow Up

2006-11-23 8:56 am
Which word or phrasal better than "follow up" for describs the procedure who handle the contract?

回答 (4)

2006-11-24 1:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Look in to it
Take care of it
Take over
Check and find out
2006-11-23 2:07 pm
carry out / on - he will carry out the contract / carry on the contract
work on - he will work on the contract
handle - he handles the contract
2006-11-23 11:32 am
你是指一樣工作本來是A做的, 現將交由B接手這個意思嗎?

will "take over" / "carry on" this contract
2006-11-23 9:57 am
不太明白你的問題 ^^"


2006-11-23 23:59:21 補充:
如果你想說簽完合約後會有人跟進,可以說 "XXX will get in touch with you soon/by Friday etc."

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