
2006-11-23 8:53 am
之前同左個女仔表白..但佢話只有對我有好感..對自己冇信心同埋唔知自己想點//..之後我成日都有sd sms比佢..佢都有復我!!但永遠只有我sd比佢..佢永遠都唔會主動sd野比我/打比我~~~~到底我應該點做呀?真係好鍾意佢!!到底佢想點呀???

回答 (6)

2006-11-25 2:57 am
個女仔晏D可能會like you !!
2006-11-23 5:38 pm
first 你要知道一些重要日子 e.g 生日等

如果你like add me la

my msn is [email protected]
2006-11-23 4:57 pm
i m a chinese born in hk n ve the same problem in usa west coast now with a korean girl
i almost18 she 15yrs old n 3 months
i sent this 2 her today:
may u please add Alex 2 myspace.com?! try again www.myspace.com/jj20050515to0518
i've thought 4 a night that i don't want u 2 continue guessing
i ll answer yr Q if u want me 2 tell u
have u received the Chinese picture book from that Caucasian girl?
read it around Thanksgiving holiday
don't worry me
i ve my chinese book from a public library in lakewood
u r 2 young NOW :> were u born in 1991?
my english is poor,i know
i only knew azn=asian yesterday may u teach me
i checked it on line yesterday on wikipedia n they said it s a asian pride program in 90s in usa
where r u at that time i m in hk,china so i don't know
they also show these 2 pictures.n i m attaching them in the letter

i found i always thought of u after i got 2 bed this week
but u need not worry anything
i m not gonna do what u or yr parents don't want 2 do NOW
we re just fds

and this is her response:
I am ONLY your friend
So, do NOT try to FLIRT with me!
Its uncomfortable and rude..

I do NOT like you, but see you as a friend.
You can talk with me ONLY if you STOP liking me!
When you STOP likeing me i will add you on myspace.

Respond so i know what you think.
2006-11-23 12:12 pm
算啦 無行ga啦
佢想留番一線 先話唔知自己點o車
2006-11-23 10:43 am
有時感情是急唔黎, 可能個女仔怕同你一起後唔知會點, 怕大家了解不夠,最後分手結束,所以佢想諗多陣,我建議你和她繼續保持聯絡,關心佢多d,等佢知道你對佢是認真的,反而好過你迫佢表態!!
2006-11-23 9:11 am
你鍾意人.. 並吾可以強求人地鍾意你..
就算你系靚仔.. 旦系吾代表你可以吸引到每一個人
旦系有CONTACT.. 關係就會KEEP住

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