點解我個computer 用唔到手指/adapter???

2006-11-23 8:52 am
我個computer 係 win 98 second version...
會唔會因為too old 所以我唔到??

因為我次次插 手指/adapter 果d 入去, , 佢就要我 install 個驅動的軟件..但係其他果d 電腦一插就用到ga la ma...



回答 (4)

2006-11-23 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為window自 me 版後先開始支援USB所以一定要install個驅動程式庫先可以用到
都係時候轉用 window Xp la
參考: me
2006-11-23 5:58 pm
try to download the driver for windows 98 at 手指公司網址
2006-11-23 11:32 am
Windows Vista都就來出啦,樓上仲叫人用XP,咁咪又係落後~~

不過無錯,除左 Windows XP之外, Windows 98, ME 要用 USB既產品,基本上都要裝driver(驅動程式), 通常你買 USB既產品,佢都會跟一隻CD俾你,裏面應該包含驅動程式,(不過有d產品可能只係 for Windows XP用,咁就未必會有CD),咁係可以上番佢間公司個website睇下有無得download,如果都無,咁就唯有再買過d連埋driver既USB產品......
2006-11-23 9:14 am
安裝軟件或轉用XP la,98已落五。微軟都唔support

End of support for Windows 98 and Windows Me
July 11, 2006 will bring a close to Extended Support for Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Me as part of the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy. Microsoft will retire public and technical support, including security updates, by this date.

Existing support documents and content, however, will continue to be available through the Microsoft Support Product Solution Center Web site. This Web site will continue to host a wealth of previous How-to, Troubleshooting, and Configuration content for anyone who may need self-service.

Microsoft is retiring support for these products because they are outdated and can expose customers to security risks. We recommend that customers who are still running Windows 98 or Windows Me upgrade to a newer, more secure Microsoft operating system, such as Windows XP, as soon as possible.

Customers who upgrade to Windows XP report improved security, richer functionality, and increased productivity.

2006-11-23 01:14:56 補充:

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