
2006-11-23 8:21 am
本人今年40歲..月供基金2000.- 另外股票+基金250000.-
每月收入約萬多元, 交租約4500.-

想計劃55歲退休, 要多少錢才足夠呢 ?

回答 (4)

2006-11-24 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
let's assume your money has an annual profit of 10%. So with your initial 250000, plus your yearly contribution 24000, you will have 299,000. After 15 years at age 55, you will have 1,800,000.
When you retire, you will have to use about !0,000 each month, that means 120,000 each year. So at age 56, you will have 1,800,000*1.1 - 120,000 = 1,860,000. After 30 years at age 86, you will have more than 10,000,000 left.

But if the annual profit is only 5%, your money will run out at around age 70.

Also, the above calculation does not include inflation. If there is a 3% inflation each year, at age 55, your yearly expense will be around 190,000. At 10% annual profit, your money will run out at around 83. At 5% annual profit, I don't think there will be much inflation.

So I think your plan of retired at 55 is quite possible, but a little bit risky.
2006-11-23 10:52 pm
Hard to tell you how much you need for retirement,
your information is not enough to help to to calculate.

emial me with some detail, and I can help to calculate approximate how much you needed

[email protected]
2006-11-23 2:36 pm
2006-11-23 11:40 am

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