
2006-11-23 6:55 am
deakin, curtin同埋murdoch都收左我, 但3間裡面邊間最gd????!!!!!

因為時間上的唔許可, 得返curtin同deakin揀咋....... 點揀好???!!!! 唔開心.........

回答 (3)

2006-11-23 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
任何一間都得....澳洲 0既 idp officer 係咁同我講~~
對我0黎講.....當然, 個coarse name 係 bachelor of nursing 就好過 bachelor of science (nursing)啦.....
bachelor of nursing 個名 pro 0的嘛~~
不過, 無論你讀邊間都好......你 fresh grad 都一定有野做....
仲可以即時攞pr (居留榷)tim

2006-11-23 20:55:47 補充:
我會揀 curtin 囉~
2006-11-25 2:37 am
i am a Deakin student, but not in nursing....
maybe up stair is right, the name is more powerful
but i will still support deakin.......
because a simple reasons

Curtin is in South Australia.......a very dummy and boring place
Even melbourne is not very interesting already ... i will choose deakin!
2006-11-23 9:38 pm
如果說名氣,Murdoch is more famous than the other 2. However, u also need to think about the locations of the school first as they are located in diffeent regions. Curtain and Murdoach is lies on Western Australia which is a remote and super boring area.....but Deakin is in melbourne.....it's seems to be more modern and it's more easy to accustom to the life there.

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