
2006-11-23 3:47 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-23 3:53 am
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Plays the game when this park,I recollected the childhood we play together day.
Inside this park dining room,Food price is very high,The flavor is ordinary,But does not know suits my taste.
Finally I have played the vehicle in this park,Again strolled a while then to leave,When the return trip goes by car is very tired
2006-11-23 10:52 pm
While playing games at the park, I recalled memories of us playing together when we were little. At the restaurant in the park; although the price for food was high, the taste was average. Nevertheless, it didn't fit my taste. In the end, we played bumper cars, and had a leisure walk for a while before leaving. On the way back, I felt really tired.
2006-11-23 5:32 am
As I was (am) playing in this park, I remember we played together in the childhood.
The food of the restaurant in this park were (are) expensive but they were(are) not tasty at all and they don't suit my taste.
At last, I played crashing car and walked around for a while before I leave. But I was very tired when I returned
2006-11-23 4:21 am
At this park play games, I remember to rise childhood years, we play together of day.
The restaurant in the inside of this park, the price of the food is very high, the flavor is general, but don't know to match my taste.
I played the car of Pan Pan in this park finally, again meandered along to leave in a short while and then, but the return journey go by car hour very tired.
參考: mytrans
2006-11-23 4:11 am
While playing in this park, I recollected the time we played together as kids. The restaurant in the park, the food is expensive, the taste of the food is so-so and honestly it's not my cup of tea.

In the end I had a ride on the crash car, and wandered around for a while before we left. On my trip back I felt exhausted.
參考: 自己譯咋

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