
2006-11-23 2:56 am
A computer game is marked at $320, and it is sold at a discount of 30%

It the discount is 48% of the cost price, find the profit per cent

回答 (3)

2006-11-23 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
A computer game is marked at $320, and it is sold at a discount of 30%
It the discount is 48% of the cost price, find the profit per cent

The discount is 320x30% = $96
The sold price = 320 – 96 = $224
The cost price = 96 / 48% = $200
The profit percent = (224-200)/200 = 12%
2006-11-23 7:44 am
The sold price $320x(1-30%)

The cost price $320x(1-48%)

The profit is 224-166.4/166.4x100%
=34.62% (cor. to 2 sig.fig.)

2006-11-23 22:43:58 補充:
樓上錯了樓下answer錯了 ha~ha~
2006-11-23 3:39 am
The sold price = $320 * (1-30%) = $224

The cost price = $320 * (1 -48%) = $166.4

The profit =$224-$166.4/$166.4 * 100% = 34.6% (to 3.sig.fig)

2006-11-23 16:44:42 補充:
樓下的 你括號內的應該是d.p 啊
參考: myself

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