F.1 MATHS 題目(快! 15pts) *With steps,answer

2006-11-23 2:20 am
A car and a train travel in the same direction. Originally, the train is 56km ahead of the car.The speeds of the car and the train are 70km/h and 42km/h. How long will it take the car to overtake the train

The price of a standard ticket in a football match is $800 and price of a VIP ticket is $1500,The number of standard is 650 more than 15 times that of VIP ticket.If all the tickets are sold, the income obtained is $7645000.Forming a equation, find the number of ticket for each type

20 PTS!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2006-11-23 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
let th be the time needed


∴it takes 2 h to overtake train

let x be the no. of VIP ticket then the no. of standard is 15x+650

x=528,cor. to 3 sig. fig.

∴no. of VIP ticket is 528 and that of standard is 8570

2006-11-22 18:36:10 補充:
參考: me
2006-11-23 2:45 am
The speed difference of car & train = 70km/hr - 42km/hr = 28km/hr
How long will it take the car to overtake the train :
56km 除 28km/hr = 2 hours

Let x be the no of VIP ticket
no. of standard ticket = 650+15x
$1500(x) + $800 (650 + 15x) = $7645000
2006-11-23 2:29 am
1. Difference of speeds of train and car is:
70-42 = 28km/h
time needed for the car to overtake the train is :
56 / 28 = 2 hours

2. let the number of VIP ticket sold be y, then
($1500 * y )+ (15y + 650)($800) = $7645000
1500y + 12000y + 520000 = 7645000
13500y = 7125000
(find y yourself by a calculator la)

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