
2006-11-22 9:29 pm
有無比貓試過食ARTEMIS feline , organix , pronature,呢3隻糧,
是過-pro plan幼貓最細個隻貓食完痾爛D便好臭,
Royal chain 去毛球呢隻細粒D,但全部痾大便勁臭最細個隻又痾爛唔受得,
1 stchoice 唔係好鍾意食試過一包就無再買,

回答 (2)

2006-11-23 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你要選一隻大細貓都可以一齊吃的, 不如你考慮吓 Solid Gold / Innova / California Natural 啦, 佢地係全貓而又係十大糧. 我貓咪一直都食Innova + California, 吃了毛色和便便都不錯.
早輪都想試食Arteimis, 由於我有貓有狗, 咁就買了一包狗回家比狗狗試先, 點知放了一個星期後有白色虫虫. 我初時以為自己放得唔好, 但係咁啱有狗狗聚會, 有幾個狗友都有此情況.
2006-11-23 4:42 am
In terms of ingredients, Artemis better than pronature better than organix

When reading cat food ingredient the most premium brands would use chelated materials and real meat, chicken broth etc as the prime ingredients. Try to avoid anything that's got vitamin K in it as it's a chemically derived compound.

If possible, try to avoid Royal canin, Iams, Whiskers, Hills as these aren't natural ingredient at all, bear in mind that much of the money spent end up in their advertising campaign...

My cats are eating Innova and Natural Balance now, they don't seem to like Timberwolf very much tho it's a very good brand.

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