
2006-11-22 7:42 pm
Assume loan amount $1000000 for 25 years

Plan A:
第1年: P – 3.9%
其後: P – 3%

(no cash rebate)
penalty period is 3 years.

Plan B:
HIBOR + 0.5%
0.5 % cash rebate

which one is better?

for Plan B, the cap. is P – 3%

回答 (2)

2006-11-22 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本人覺得Plan A比較穩定同容易計劃

根據近期的利率走勢, P(最優惠利率)應該會於個財政年度穩定下來或者向下調整,而且未來一兩年,利息向下調整的機會比較高,所以你的按揭開支會在可預算範圍之內!過了三年罰息期之後,可再跟據個人還款能力及利息再作安排

至於HIBOR(Honghong Inter-Bank Offer Rate) 的變化極大,主要根據銀根(M1, M2)鬆緊而浮動,例如多人借錢買margin時,HIBOR就會被抽高,很難預料一季甚至一個月之後的變化,而且 Plan B 沒有”封頂”利率,會好危險!現金回贈得幾千元,都不夠一個月的還款額,可以不理!

2006-11-26 9:45 am
Depends you will hold the property long or not, coz recently can see the interest rate is going to drop within this 12 months, and the property market should have some percentage to raise, perhaps 10-25%, so you have to ask yourself first, if your property is going to be raise 18% within 18 months, will you sell the property to take the spread?

If you do think about that, then you should choose some penalty period short like 12-18 months, instead just care about the P-?, thats none of your concern about.

Also cash rebate is talking about very small amount, is only 5000 something.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 05:17:13
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