happy hour

2006-11-22 7:26 pm
成日都聽到happy hour呢個term

果段時間會有d咩特別, 有d咩優惠?



回答 (1)

2006-11-22 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Happy hour is a specially scheduled period of time — usually an hour or two in the late afternoon — during which some restaurants and bars give discounts for drinks, especially alcoholic drinks.

The term originated in the United States Navy. In the 1920s, “happy hour” was Navy slang for on-ship performances. “Happy” in this context means slightly drunk.

The idea of drinking before dinner has its roots in the Prohibition era. When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, citizens would host “cocktail hours” or “happy hours” at a speakeasy — underground drinking establishments — before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served. Cocktail lounges continued the trend of drinking before dinner. "Happy hour" entered civilian use around 1960, especially after a Saturday Evening Post article in 1959. Happy hour has become a tradition for many workers, white and blue collar alike.

The push against drunk driving and alcohol abuse has curtailed the rise of the happy hour to some extent. In the 1980s, bars started providing free hors d'oeuvres to lower the blood alcohol content of patrons. Glasgow has banned happy hours to reduce binge drinking, as has the Republic of Ireland. Even the U.S. military got in the act, when in 1984 they abolished happy hours at military base clubs.

Despite the controversy, happy hour is still alive and well at bars and clubs in all corners of the globe.

2006-11-22 11:51:28 補充:
通常卡啦ok, 酒吧,食店 ,snooker 場,bowling 場,在客人較少的時段會設happy hour 收費,目的是用來吸引人流!!

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