
2006-11-22 5:27 pm
要快d比我 我今日默書鄉


回答 (3)

2006-11-22 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
春卷 spring roll
椒鹽鮮魷 spicy salt deep fried calamari
香脆炸雲吞 deep fried wontons
手撕雞 shredded chicken salad
酸辣湯 hot and sour soup
海鮮豆腐湯 seafood beancurd soup
三巴通菜 sambal water spinach
椒絲腐乳通菜 water spinach cooked with preserved beancurd paste
豪油芥蘭 Chinese broccoli in oyster sauce
咕嚕肉 sweet and sour chicken
豉汁牛肉 beef in black bean sauce
涼瓜排骨 bitter melon spare ribs cooked in black bean sauce
冬菇雞球炒飯 chicken mushroom rice
咸魚雞絲炒飯 salted fish chicken fried rice
生炒牛肉飯 minced beef fried rice
脆皮炸雞脾飯 crispy chicken on rice
五香牛腩飯 beef brisket rice
叉燒飯 bbq pork on rice
芙蓉蛋飯 omelette rice
火腩豆腐飯 beancurd roast pork rice
粟米魚片飯 rish fillet with sweet corn on rice
時菜牛肉飯 beef with vegetable on rice
雲吞面 wonton noodle
魚蛋面 fish ball noodle
海鮮面 seafood noodle
皮蛋雞粥 century egg and chicken congee
魚片粥 fish fillet congee
油條 Chinese donut
紅豆冰 red bean ices
檸蜜 honey with lemon
油占多 toast with jam and butter
鹹牛肉三文治 corned beef sandwich
餐蛋三文治 luncheon meat and egg sandwich
吞娜魚三文治 tuna fish sandwich
肉醬意粉 spaghetti with minced meat and tomato sauce
火腿磨菇通心粉 baked macaroni with ham and button mushrooms
腸仔沙律 sausage salad
炸魷魚圈 deep fried squid rings
吉列魚 deep fried fish
蒜茸焗三文魚 baked salmon with garlic sauce
白汁牛脷 ox tongue with white sauce
洋葱豬排 pork chops with onion sauce
參考: 多間茶餐廳菜單
2006-11-22 6:16 pm
curry fish ball 咖喱魚蛋
hot fish ball 辣魚蛋
curry squid 咖喱魷魚

egg pineapple bread 菠籮飽
cocktail bread 雞尾飽
egg Tart 蛋撻
Cup cake 砵仔糕
sesame roll 芝蔴卷
banana cake 香蕉糕
Malay cake 馬拉糕
white suger cake 白糖糕
wife pastry 老婆餅
blind man pastry 盲公餅
fried soya bean 炸豆腐
soya bean syrup 豆腐花
jelly sweet 庶喱糖
dragon beard sweet 龍鬚糖
cotton sweet 棉花糖
almond cake 杏仁餅
chocolate 朱古力
2006-11-22 5:44 pm
炒飯:Chinese fried rice 豆腐:tofu 
菜心:choy sum 點心:dim sum 油多:French Toast
參考: me

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