The next train leaves at 9:30pm點解要用現代式?

2006-11-22 9:07 am
why not use 未來式?

回答 (3)

2006-11-22 9:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
當然可以當將來式, 但佢而家present tense都唔係錯.

一d"事實"係可以用present tense. 即你會話" Tomorrow is Wednesday", 唔會話 "Tomorrow will be Wednesday", 因為大家都知聽日一定一定會係星期三.

用將來式令人有一種"可能會變"ge感覺.例如你話"I will be here tomorrow"係冇"I am here tomorrow"咁firm.

講返你果句, 如果佢專登用present tense 唔用future, 即佢想強調架車一定會9:30開出.
參考: Myself
2006-11-23 12:04 am
  此種用法以表示「往返」、「出發」、「到達」之意思的動詞(如go, come, start, leave, return....等)最多,並且又常和表示未來的時間副詞(或副詞片語)並用。

 eg.He starts for London tommorrow.(他明天將動身到倫敦)
    When do you leave here?(你何時要離開這兒)
    My father returns home next Sunday.(我的父親下星期日將會回來)


參考: English Grammer made easy
2006-11-22 7:15 pm
這句是講火車時間表,時間表是用 PRESENT TENSE,不只火車,飛機也

Simple Present To talk about:

* routines and frequent events or situations;
* facts and universal truths
* timetables

They play tennis together every Sunday morning

My friends like meat, but they don't like fish

The next train leaves at 10am.

The next plane leaves at 9:33.” The official airport time displayed on the information screens at every gate isn’t relevant? I sat around for three hours knitting furiously and composing angry letters of Austenian eloquence to Delta, ... - 21k -

就是用現代式的緣故,但要知道火車飛機誤點周不時有,所以D 人成日會投訴。

2006-11-27 14:58:09 補充:
時間表是用 PRESENT TENSE,最怕發問者不懂對錯。不信,自己 GOOGLE 求證。

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