寫一篇英文about Solution famine in Africa.....plz 10分*!!!

2006-11-22 8:40 am


回答 (2)

2006-11-23 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Famines have long existed in Africa for many decades. Probably the first African country that caught our attention because of famine is Ethiopia (衣索比亞). Images of skinny children with a big belly due to malnutrition, and with flies all over their faces, were so striking when they were presented to the world many years back that I still remember them clearly today. The situation now has not got much better in Africa. Millions of people across East Africa are still plagued by serious food crisis. Besides Ethiopia, Kenya (肯亞), Somalia (索馬利亞) and Tanzania (坦桑尼亞) are hardest hit. These countries are poor, low in precipitation and scarce in resources. To make things worse, some of them have been torn by civil war. Shortages of food and water are expected to continue unless effective measures are taken.
解決非洲飢荒的方法, 及各國可以怎樣幫助他們:
Famine in Africa must be dealt with from the root of its causes which include poverty, agricultural mismanagement, internal conflict among rival tribes, and the terrifying problem of AIDS. To eradicate poverty and agricultural problems, rich nations of the world should give aid in the form of money,food, machines, as well as technology and skills. Help should also be directed towards raising the level of education of the African population, for this is a long-term solution to poverty. Education, for instance, can make them realise the problem of over-population and thus to avoid it. To settle internal conflict, the United Nations can get different factions and tribes back to the negotiating table to reach some sort of agreement by which peace can be achieved. To tackle AIDS, African people must be taught the seriousness and harm of the disease so as to avoid unsafe sex and to make full use of contraceptive devices. As a short-term remedy, medicine and medical services from overseas are necessary.
Try save a dollar every day, and donate your money to international organisations (such as Oxfam and Red Cross) which help poor people in need. A dollar a day may be a small sum to us, but it can do much good to the hungry people in Africa.
( These are only some of my own ideas. It is by no means conclusive )

2006-11-22 18:21:34 補充:
images of skinny children with a big belly due to malnutrition...were so striking 非洲兒童因營養不良骨瘦如柴而肚子脹大, 這些影像令人吃驚和印象深刻;precipitation = 降雨量;scarce in resources = 資源貧乏;eradicate poverty = 消除貧窮;factions and tribes = 不同的派系及部族;back to the negotiating table = 重返談判桌;contraceptive devices = 避孕方法
2006-11-22 6:37 pm
use your brains!!! :P here are some ideas...

population control, birth control
improve agricultural methods

try searching "famine" on www.wikipedia.com

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