
2006-11-22 5:05 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-22 5:17 am
讀字典 , 學生字 學拚音 學文法 學speech 學writing ,hearing speaking(conversation)
2006-11-22 5:12 am
2006-11-22 5:11 am
there r many ways for u to learn english well ga.

first of all, u may go to tutorial centres or various english training courses. professional teachers will guide u and teach u different ways to be a successful english user.

moreover, if u dun wanna attend english classes, self-study may also be effective, e.g.: read english newspapers daily, extra-curricular reading, watch english movies or listen to english radio....

hope u can succeed la~~
2006-11-22 5:10 am
用腦 多看 多讀
2006-11-22 5:09 am
參考: me

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