
2006-11-22 4:47 am
If I have a tail, I will cut my tail immediately…if it doesn’t hurt… If I really can’t cut or pull it away, I just have to accept it. I will be a police officer and use my long tail to hit the bad people that are fighting and make them stop fighting. At home, I can also use my big tail to mop the floor and clean it!

回答 (5)

2006-11-22 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
The paragraph is well written. However, I have some suggestions.

If I have a tail, I will cut (it) immediately.

Better not to repeat " my tail " here, or it ' ll look redundant.

>>If I really can’t cut (it) or pull it away, ( I ' ll ) just have to accept it.

The assumption is in present tense, but the result should be in future tense.

>>I will ( become) a police officer

>>the bad people that are fighting and make them stop ().

Better not to repeat " fighting " here, or it ' ll look redundant.

Another thing to pay attention is you ' re using contractions. In English compositions, don ' t ever use contractions like I ' ll , he 's etc. You should write their forms in full, e.g. I will, he is. You may use contractions only in dialogues. I ' m using contractions here myself since I ' m not writing a composition at school, so I ' m free from this rule.

2006-11-21 21:54:14 補充:
( I ' ll ) just have to (live with) it. live withTo put up with; resign oneself to: disliked the situation but had to live with it.from the free dictionary

2006-11-22 10:11:55 補充:
>>" If I had had a tail, I would have cut it immediately "下面位用 PAST CONDITIONAL 是正確, 但錯在多了個 HAD。應是If I had a tail, I would cut it immediately.

2006-11-22 10:13:51 補充:
>>" If I had had a tail,你這句的意思是 If I had eaten a tail<<如果我食了條尾!>>用兩個 HAD, 後面個便是 EATEN 的意思。

2006-11-22 10:18:32 補充:
用 conditional 寫多次: If I (had) a tail, I (would) cut (it) immediately…if it did not hurt… If I really (could not ) cut (it) or pull it away, I (would just have) to (live with) it.

2006-11-22 10:18:43 補充:
I (would become) a police officer and use my long tail to hit the bad people that (were) fighting and make them stop (). At home, I (could) also use my big tail to mop the floor and clean it!

2006-11-23 19:31:43 補充:
I ' m sorry I ' ve ever answered this one. I ' m sorry for the others who are insulted by you. What 's your English level to judge people anyway? 放心,以後不會答你的問題。
2006-11-24 4:23 am
這位 harrodswong96 的發問者既然話所有都是 bad answer, 那麼自喻比人好的你為何要發問? 你本身的版本亦不見得好; 例如: (1) 應該係 cut/pull if OFF, 唔係 away (2) 應該係 can be a police, 唔係 will, 因此是假設 (3) 第二個 fighting 係多餘 (4) clean it 亦係多餘, 唔通你拖地係為了弄污它嗎? 此外, 亦請參考各回答者給你的好意建議!
2006-11-22 7:49 am
"If I have a tail, I will cut my tail immediately" 驟眼睇好似冇問題, 但其實應該改為 "If I had had a tail, I would have cut it immediately"才正確。

依種係conditional clause o既3rd condition, 當你假設一d 現實生活冇可能發生o既事, 例如話一個人有尾, 就要用3rd condition.

當然仲有1st 同2nd condition o既句式, 詳細解釋可參考已有知識:
2006-11-22 4:54 am
more or less ok
2006-11-22 4:50 am
grammar collect

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