我想問下一 D英文既問題~(10分嫁!!)

2006-11-22 4:35 am
一,The eater's alphabet
1.c(字頭) is for a dairy product:______________
2.e(字頭) is for along snake like fish:_____________
3.g(字頭)is for a root used in cooking :______________
4.l(字頭)is for a salad vegetable:______________
5.m(字頭)is for a way of serving potato:________________
6.n(字頭)is for a Chinese favourite:_____________
7.p(字頭)is for a hot spice:_____________
8.s(字頭)is for a fish:______________
9.v(字頭)is for a flavour:___________

回答 (4)

2006-11-22 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Cheese
2. Eel
3. Garlic
4. Lettuce
5. Mesh
6. Noodle
7. Pepper
8. Salmond
9. Vinegar
2006-11-24 4:55 am
3) can be Ginger and 5) Mashed, 8) Salmon
2006-11-22 5:32 am
一,The eater's alphabet
1.c(字頭) is for a dairy product: chopsticks 筷子
2.e(字頭) is for along snake like fish: eel 鰻魚
3.g(字頭)is for a root used in cooking :garlic 蒜頭
4.l(字頭)is for a salad vegetable: lettuce 蒿苣
5.m(字頭)is for a way of serving potato: macaroni 通心粉(不知道對不對)
6.n(字頭)is for a Chinese favourite: narcissus 水仙花 (不知道對不對)
7.p(字頭)is for a hot spice: pepper 胡椒粉
8.s(字頭)is for a fish: shark 鯊魚
9.v(字頭)is for a flavour: vinegar 醋
參考: me
2006-11-22 4:45 am
1. cheese
2. eel
3. ginger
4. lettuce
5. mashed
6. nest
7. pepper
8. salmon
9. vanilla
參考: me~

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