
2006-11-22 3:52 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-22 9:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案

飛機用的燃料有數類,一般供應民航噴射飛機的是Jet-A,Jet-A1或Jet-B. Jet-A跟Jet-A1基本上是一樣的,只是冰點較高.而Jet-B相較易燃所以只用於較冷的地區如加拿大. 飛機燃料並非使用容量來作單位,因為飛機操作的溫差很大,燃料會熱漲冷縮,所以會使用重量作單位. 但在常溫的情況下每公升Jet-A大概為0.8公斤.

一般來說大型噴射飛機所帶的燃料由數十噸到近二百噸左右. 舉例來說Boeing747-400可帶多達173噸燃料. 在起飛時每具引擎每分鐘可消耗4公升燃料,但在巡航時則會低至每分鐘0.5公升.
參考: European Organization for the safety of air navigation
2006-12-04 1:23 am
I dont understand what you are asking for...
But if u are asking how much is that... i can do a conversion here.

For Jetliner, the fuel being used is Jet A1 AVTUR
1 L = 0.8 Kg
1 US gal = 3.8 L
1 L = 1.76 lbs

So i think u can calculated the answer u want ......
參考: ERSA
2006-11-22 5:07 pm
i am not 100% sure what you are asking here, but if you want to know how much fuel a plane would consume in a flight, then i can give you the figures. let say a boeing 747, it uses 1 gallon (roughly 4 litres) per second. and on top of that everytime they take off they use about 40-50% of the fuel in the fuel in one go and this is why longhaul flight's tax is cheaper.

參考: google

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