英文譯中文8 (小六)急!10分 幫下我唔該

2006-11-22 2:39 am
Grandpa asked,"Did you find any of the islands we talked about?"
"I sure did, Grandpa. The best island of all was Lost Island,"said Poncho.
"The island was as beautiful as you described.
There were waterfalls, beautiful trees,and strange birds.


回答 (2)

2006-11-22 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
外祖父說: <你有否找到一些資料關於我們所談及的島嶼呢?>
<我當然有. 最好的島嶼是迷失之島>我說.

<是開引號 >是關引號

2006-11-21 18:50:53 補充:

2006-11-21 18:51:39 補充:
2006-11-22 2:55 am
「我緊係有啦,爺爺。全部既島嶼之中,最好既島嶼咪就係 Lost Island lor!」Poncho 說。「個島嶼真係好似你形容今靚丫!個道有噴水池,靚靚既樹和千奇八怪的鳥。」

all translated by myself

**The words in ENglish are NAMES, cant be translated....**

2006-11-21 18:57:06 補充:
waterfalls should be 瀑布sorrytype wrong things
參考: All by ME

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