Router block 唔到on line game 幫幫手

2006-11-22 12:48 am
我公司發現有些同事上班時玩on line game.
function,只留POP 及 SMTP.給佢地收發E-mail,
但佢地唔知掂解一樣玩倒, 如果老闆知道我就大鑊喇.
各位高手請求幫幫忙, 有無辦法解決, 加野都無問題.

回答 (2)

2006-11-22 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to tell us what type and model of Router/Firewall you're using.
How are they connected, etc.
Also how are you blocking everything but POP and SMTP?

Do you have outgoing port 80 blocked also? Some online games or MSN and Yahoo can use port 80 to connect.

Also enable your router logging and exam the log to find out what are the traffic going thru it with what ports and in what directions.
2006-11-22 10:42 pm
樓上好正確, 可以用sniffer check check

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