我不能夠不xxx" 譯做英文

2006-11-22 12:44 am
請問"我不能夠不xxx" 譯做英文要用什麼句式?

同樣:唔可以唔去...how to tanslate a "double -ve" Chinese sentence?


回答 (5)

2006-11-22 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
一般會用 xxx 的相反詞.
例如: "我不能夠不聽他的話" I cannot disobey him.
當然, 有些時候未必有「相反詞」的, 那麼你可以用:
"我不能夠不xxx" I cannot refuse to xxx
例如: "我不能夠不去" I cannot refuse to go.
例如: "我不能夠不說" I cannot refuse to tell.
2006-11-23 3:14 am
re: "我不能夠不xxx"

Some suggestions:

-> I can't say "no" to xxx;
-> I can't stop xxx-ing.
-> It is impossible for me to not xxx.

re: 唔可以唔去

-> I need to go there.
-> It is impossible for me to not/not to go.
2006-11-22 3:06 am

I can ' t / couldn ' t choose but + verb

but 在句子中的意思是 except.

我無得選擇惟有去做, 非做不可。


I can ' t choose but go. (不是我作的,是記得以前唱過的聖詩)

INTERNET 上還有大把例子。

I cannot choose but go. = I have no choice but to go. = I cannot help going. = I cannot but go
toeic.english.co.kr/comm/data_view.asp?dab_idx=13&page=6&dab_catcode=08 - 41k -

I cannot choose but tell him, that I care not, And let him take't at worst; for their knives care not, While you have throats to answer: for myself, There's not a whittle in the unruly camp But I do prize it at my love before ...
www-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/timon/timon.5.1.html - 22k -

previousnext » · I could not choose but gaze upon her face. May 12th, 2006: I could not choose but gaze upon her face. Posted in Children, B&W, Portrait. Fleuron. Shooting data. Camera: NIKON D70; Exposure: 1/80s; Aperture: f/1.8 ...
lightproofbox.com/blog/?p=68 - 8k -


That Nature should those needless things produce,; Which not alone the sun from others gained,; But turn it wholly to their proper use. I could not choose but grieve that Nature made; So glorious flowers to live in such a shade. ...
www.theotherpages.org/poems/browne02.html - 14k


還有另一個說法,是 I can ' t help doing something.

I can ' t choose but XXX 貼切。

2006-11-23 16:08:21 補充:
還有個說法 I have no choice but to 。。。Yahoo! Answers - i have no choice but to live in the marital home ...answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061027134205AAbD4tj - 250k -
2006-11-22 1:32 am
=> I am not able not to do it.
=> I am temped to do it.
=> I am forced to do it.
=> Loving you is so irresistable.
2006-11-22 12:58 am
負負得正, 你講嘅說話係口語化, 就算寫中文你都好少寫「我不可以不去」啦... 最多咪用比較誇張嘅講法「非去不可」, 因為用英文說話太多 negative 係唔正常

好似第一句, 我不能夠不 I'm unable not to... 聽落可接受但根本無人會咁寫

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