Sensitive to "Augmentin"

2006-11-21 9:56 pm
Doctor said I am sensitive to Augmentin, does anyone know what means?

I took 3 dose Augmentin, I guess this med. made my tongue inflated. Doctor did not look into the reason, just changed to another antibiotics 抗生素.


回答 (4)

2006-11-22 1:16 am
Special warnings about this medication

Augmentin and other penicillin-like medicines are generally safe; however, anyone with liver, kidney, or blood disorders is at increased risk when using this drug. Alternative choices may be available to your doctor.

If you have diabetes and test your urine for the presence of sugar, you should ask your doctor or pharmacist if this medication will interfere with the type of test you use.

Allergic reactions to this medication can be serious and possibly fatal. Let your doctor know about previous allergic reactions to medicines, food, or other substances before using Augmentin. If you experience a reaction, report it to your doctor immediately and seek medical treatment.

If you develop diarrhea while taking Augmentin, inform your doctor. It could be a sign of a potentially dangerous form of bowel inflammation.

Some formulations of Augmentin contain phenylalanine. If you have the hereditary disease phenylketonuria, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking this drug.

How should you take this medication?

Augmentin should be taken every 8 or 12 hours, depending on the dosage strength. It may be taken with or without food, but taking it with meals or snacks will help prevent stomach upset. However, the extended-release form, Augmentin XR, should always be taken with food to improve absorption. Be sure to take all the medicine your doctor has prescribed, even if you begin to feel better.

Shake the suspension well. Use a dosing spoon or medicine dropper to give a child the medication; rinse the spoon or dropper after each use.

--If you miss a dose...

Take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, and you take 2 doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 5 to 6 hours later. If you take 3 doses a day, take the one you missed and the next dose 2 to 4 hours later. Then go back to your regular schedule.

--Storage instructions...

Store the suspension under refrigeration and discard after 10 days. Store tablets away from heat, light, and moisture.

Why is this drug prescribed?

Augmentin is used in the treatment of lower respiratory, middle ear, sinus, skin, and urinary tract infections that are caused by certain specific bacteria. These bacteria produce a chemical enzyme called beta lactamase that makes some infections particularly difficult to treat.

Augmentin ES-600, a stronger, oral-suspension form of the drug, is prescribed for certain stubborn ear infections that previous treatment has failed to clear up in children two and under, or those attending day care.

Augmentin XR is an extended-release form of the drug used to treat pneumonia and sinus infections.
2006-11-21 11:32 pm
Augmentin has a number of formulations. Find the formulation that you need below and click for specific product information.
2006-11-21 10:07 pm
The doctor thought you gets allergic reaction / sensitivity to the antibiotics 'Augmentin'.
Your tongue feeling / condition can be angioedema, which is also one of the sensitivity reaction. Do you have rash? Difficulty in breathing or fainting?

Therefore, the doctor changed another group of medication for you.

'Augmentin' belongs to Penicillin group. You should be careful & remind doctors in future conditions.
2006-11-21 10:04 pm
有兩則關於 Augmentin嘅新聞。

1)一名對盤尼西林有敏感的中年婦早前在那打素醫院屬下的社康服務中心檢查身體,醫生指其肺部X 光片有陰影,懷疑是癌細胞,處方抗生素給她服用後,出現氣促及呼吸困難。後往屯門醫院求診,發現其肺部正常,而抗生素含有盤尼西林,不滿醫生診斷及開藥出錯。

四十一歲的張女士一向對盤尼西林有敏感,以往服用該藥後身體即出現敏感不適,及後每次求診均告訴醫生其對該藥敏感。去年十一月,她往佐敦的基督教聯合那打素社康服務中心進行定期身體檢查,今年一月初到該中心看報告,一名駐中心醫生向她講解報告時稱,根據肺部X 光片所見,其右邊肺部有大幅懷疑是癌細胞陰影,並建議她再做一次電腦掃描。


張女士服藥後兩天,開始出現腳痛、暈眩及嘔吐等徵狀,其中氣管更嚴重收縮,出現氣促及呼吸困難,她即時向家庭醫生求診,醫生指其服用的肺炎藥名為Augmentin ,含盤尼西林成分,建議她再照肺。當晚她因呼吸困難往屯門醫院急症室求診,經檢查後發現肺部正常。



中文大學藥劑學院教授李烱前表示,張女士服用的藥物Augmentin 主治肺炎,成分包括盤尼西林,本港不少醫生處方該藥給病人服用。若病人本身對盤尼西林敏感,服用後輕微的敏感反應包括皮膚出現紅斑及痕癢,情況嚴重者可令皮膚潰爛,呼吸困難。不過一般情況下,如盡快為患者注射抗敏感針,便會無礙,亦不會有後遺症。















參考: newspaper

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