港幣20萬退休金的保本投資, 除定期外, 尚有甚麼 ?

2006-11-21 9:56 pm
港幣20萬退休金的保本投資, 除定期外, 尚有甚麼 ?

回答 (7)

2006-11-23 2:54 am
債券, 基金都屬於風險比教細既投資..


可以email我 : [email protected]
2006-11-22 5:06 am
如有其他問題,可e-mail聯絡我[email protected]
2006-11-22 2:24 am
如你要求的回報穏穏陣陣大約9厘一年的話, 你可以考慮下用20萬做一個五年的 Lump Sum 基金儲蓄計劃, 風險可以很低. 有興趣可幫你免費做埋個計劃書. [email protected]
2006-11-22 12:01 am
You may want to invest on those capital guaranteed funds. It will guarantee you got your principal (capital) back at the maturity date. Normally the maturity period is around 10 years. How it works is the fund insvest part of the capital on fixed term deposit, to guarantee the investors will have it's originally money back, then it use the rest on other investments. I know that HSBC and china bank has this kind of fund, may be you should talk to their financial advisors.
Still you don't have to invest all your $200,000 into one fund, one bank or one kind of investment. Lower your risk by diversify.
2006-11-21 10:05 pm
2006-11-21 10:01 pm
可以用來買基金, 風險少些或用來買股票.
參考: me
2006-11-21 9:59 pm

只需持有債券至到期日, 便可取回全數本金

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