why the people like shopping?

2006-11-21 8:15 pm
why the people like shopping?

回答 (5)

2006-11-22 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
because shopping you can your like things.
2006-12-12 8:23 pm
2006-11-21 11:23 pm
- materialistic
- lack of sense of security
2006-11-21 8:51 pm
in my opinion, people like to shop because they can help them to satisfy their wants and of course needs as well.

1st of all, we can devide to 3 types of shopping:
a) shop to satisfy the needs of human
b) shop to satisfy the wants of human
c) window shopping.

a) shop to satisfy the needs of human
As you know that 衣,食,住 is the basic needs of human beings.
Thus, of course we will shop for the needs to satisfy ourselves.
So I believe this is very normal.

b) Shop to satisfy humans' wants.
Ah.... this is an interesting topic.
Because sometimes i also wonder what is the real purpose of people shop/ buy so many unnecessary goods. Especially women....
Do we really need it or we just want it to show off?
Guess 人本来就有很强的虚荣心。

c) Window shopping
In my opinion, people do window shopping just have 3 reasons:
1) to pass some time
2) observe and want to know the latest trends
3)not enough money but able to "see" the products we love also feel satisfy.

Anyway, this is all my opinion. 无根据!

2006-11-21 12:52:56 補充:
women like to shop i believe is their nature.so men please do not blame your female friends/partners if they really do.;)
2006-11-21 8:46 pm
because it is their hobbys
they shopping is their freedom

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