
2006-11-21 6:37 pm




回答 (4)

2006-11-21 7:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 ) 無 fantasy 响女仔身上!

2 ) Yes .....

3 ) OOps , Careful Girl .... Maybe He is Player !

Actually ! 男人有性都未必有愛 ... 但男人同女人好唔同 !女人會諗因為愛他至 " 咩 " , 男人會諗他需要 " 咩 " 至會諗起女人 . 唔好再諗他愛你有幾多 ! 一星期見佢一次 , 你自己知 Answer ! Girl ....

I'm Girl ! ummmm , Do You Know The Word Is " Fantasy " ? Fantasy is many guys alway think about it ! Sometime some girls will think this word in her Brian , actually many guys like it on his brian , if you want to know whats the man think ! find to know this word first , i hope i can help and hope you will be man's Fanstasy girl ! Ciao
2006-11-21 10:26 pm
This year is our five years la, we did a cerebration already, he did not say boring to me. i hope he love me forever la.

Actually, his face is not the hamdsome one, hahah, his hair becomes less when he was 25-30. It is normal la!

At least he still love me gai!
2006-11-21 10:15 pm
你男朋友咁快厭, 有d野啦, 我同男朋友四年啦, 佢都無話厭, 我都覺得男人唔可以喂咁飽, 我平均一星期一, 兩次!!唔好次次佢要你就比佢!!男人越就得佢多, 女人就越唔得寵!!
參考: 自己
2006-11-21 7:44 pm
咁樣hurt 你呀....有d野.....
都唔似...on dating 既 -.-
分手啦......i think he not very serious
參考: personal

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