PCI Display card

2006-11-21 6:29 pm
I'm using IBM ThinkPad PC now. I want to buy a new display card. But my motherboard hasn't AGP, only has 1 emply PCI slot.

Is it worth to buy a new PCI displau card?
If yes, any recommandation?


回答 (6)

2006-11-21 6:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ANS.: Please check the mother board Model No. first.

Since PCI & PCI _Express is not the same.

If your computer can use AGP , I think you brought your computer within 2-3 years only.

New PCI-E display Card just cost HK$300 - HK$680 depand the functions and speed of it . I usually use Model No. X-300 (HK$300) and you may try to use higher value as 6600 suitable for 90% games for you (@HK$500 - $600)
2006-11-21 7:58 pm
市場只有小量基本入門型號的PCI display card, 例如64M 的ATi 9250. 約$290 但只支援較低要求的遊戲. 值不值得買就要看你的用途和要求.
2006-11-21 6:57 pm
What maya said is correct?
You can check this first
1)Totally how many slots do you have on your PC
usually 3 or more.
2)Do all the slot look the same
may have 2 that look the same and 1 look different
If all look the same you have probably only have PCI slot on your computer
3)Does the 2 slots that look the same in whitish color
If yes these are the PCI slot, Is this your spare slot?
4)If you have a slot that is not white in color that is usually the display card slot

Think when did you buy bour PC
If you bought in the last year or two your Mother board may have PCI-E slot. Than you can use the cheaper display card Maya had said. You can try the 7600GT they are within 1000HKD very very good.
If 2-3 year old AGP slot
4 years or more and not Pentium 4 CPU you only have PCI slot and ISA slot
Also you may be unlucky some IBM do not have display card slot and they cannot disable the on-board display so you can only have an additional display and you will need 2 monitor.

Any way if your PC is more than 3 years old you do not need to think la just get a new PC, ungrade is not worthwhile.

If you need PCI display card, the cheap ones are not any better than yours. The better ones are from Matrox or the Nvida Quattro series, they range from 1000HKD to 20000HKD. You can buy a new core2duo set at that price la.

Remember do not mistake PCI-E with PCI Ah. They are not competitable with each other.

2006-11-21 10:58:31 補充:
http://www.jumbo-computer.com/pricelist.asptake a look at this web site to check price la.
2006-11-21 6:46 pm
it depends on you, will you upgrade your PC to the lastest hardware? means that will you buy a new PC?

if yes, don't but the PCI display card, don't waste money on the old stuffs.

if not, you will keep using this IBM PC to more than a year, depends on why you need an display card? for playing 3D games? for 3D CAD softwares? buy it than if you need for both, otherwsie, for normal uses just like browsing internet or uses for create documents, no need to buy it, build in display already enough.

for recommandation, it's hard to said becasue it quite difficult to find PCI display in the market, you have to go out and look for yourself.
參考: hope this may help
2006-11-21 6:37 pm
It really depend on the reason of why u need to buy a new display card.
I think if it is only because of your display card is outdated, I think it worth.
Because PCI display card is not expensive compare with AGP one.
BUT, if your PC is too old, it is quite meaningless, since display card not help much in this case.
參考: me
2006-11-21 6:33 pm

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