電視的拍攝 usually use video tape recorded. After 拍攝 they will takeit back to studio to do the editing using computer software.
電影的拍攝 still use film, after 拍攝 they will take it back to studio to do the editing
or scan into computer to using computer software to edit and audio dubing.
Anyway in the last few years 電影的拍攝 also use digital video recorder to 拍攝 . After 拍攝 they will takeit back to studio to do the editing using computer software and audio dubing. Then they just use the computer to use a special recorder to make a film hard copy for cinema use
Apart from that 電視和電影的拍攝分別, if the budget is greater, more famous actor better set, better special effect. The reason why Japan or US TV drama is so good quality is because they have the money to do the 拍攝, the money they spend on each episode is probably the same a making a movie of the same duration.