chat presendation文章!!

2006-11-21 10:03 am
Good morning,everybody,I'm going to talk about mu talk will take about five minutes。 Now let's move on to the first part is about my secondary school,i stady is FUNG KAI NO.1 SECONDARY SCHOOL,there is big playground in my school,the playground is 80ten thousand feet,there are there football field,eight baskball court,one golf course,

i like with my friends and teacher in the playground chats anythings,and play games,that is very comfortable,can give me fotgot some worry,i love that very much。My second topic is talk my friends,my frines have lively and refined,i have two best friends,


she name is kwan,we have been friends since 3 years old,same place stady kindergarten,elementary school and secondary school, now she no studies,but we always maintenance contact,sometime we go to shopping and she like with me talk about secret。


Another friends is suey,we have meet since secondary school,but we have very closed.she is always make me happy,she now still stady in school。My last topic is talk my favourite cartoon cinnamorool,


looks like a dogs,and than also have many friends,they are also cute。 That's all for the intorduction,thank for your llisten。 可唔可以幫我chat一caht我有沒錯,同幫我改返岩,thx

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's your speech, not talk! My speech will be taken about five minutes.

請問你想說你學校的 playground 是 8 萬還是 80 萬? 如是 8 萬, 英文是 80 (eighty) thousand, 若是 80 萬, 就會是 800 (eight hundred) thousand, 不知你那 80 ten thousand 是多少.

在你第一個補充內的第二個 topic, 你說 talk my friend, 你講你朋友什麼? 講他/她們壞話嗎? 正確的是 talk about my friend (講有關你朋友的事, 雖然這裡你也可以批評這樣講也可以是講他/她們壞話, 但英文是若你講某人, 某事等都會說 talk about him/her/them/it.)

第二個補充內的 another friends is...........?一就用 friends + are, 若只講一個朋友, 那就用 friend + is

looks like a dogs.....? 如上, like dogs or like a dog. they are so cute...你當你的朋友是 dogs? 嘿.........

2006-11-21 14:06:32 補充:
請問你那 speech presentation 是向那些人講的? 若是 formal 點和是在學校發表, 你最好就不要一開始時說 Good monring, everybody. 講everybody 有點輕佻, 尊重他們, 要怎稱呼他/她們要看他/她們是什麼了, 如是校長, 老師, 家長及來賓等, 你便要根據當時的人來叫好了..
2006-11-21 11:34 am
(1)漏了Article: there is a big playground in my school,(2) 漏了Plural Noun 的 "s " // 串錯字:eight basketball courts

there are three football fields

2006-11-21 03:38:15 補充:
其實以香港的小學生程度來說,你寫得 真的不錯了,不用太複雜的句子,慢慢地, 你會學得更多的。一定。你只 習慣一下 plural noun 要 "s" / "es" //// 名詞 前 要 Article習慣好重要的。

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