
2006-11-21 8:59 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-23 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
長期持有股票..........保管費 每手HKD0.15 最低收費HKD100.00
2006-11-30 10:27 am
You can registered in your own name at the registrars if keep in long term, it is safty and cheaper - No handling charge. Scrip fee is only HK$2.50 per share certificate.
2006-11-21 9:15 am
存倉費: 0.15/手, $100 Min.$2500 Max. to be paid by your settlement account on the last trade date of May and Nov. for your stock at that date.
手續費: Trade commission at 0.25% for the trade value for each 綱上交易, others please refer to
一般綱上交易買賣: very simple. just login, following the instruction, step by step.

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