What is your favourite sweet/chocolate ever?

2006-11-20 10:20 pm

回答 (13)

2006-11-20 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ghirardhelli.....it makes my wife very very happy ;-)
2006-11-22 12:35 am
Goplana milk chocolate from Poland!!
Second would be Wedel, also from Poland.
2006-11-21 8:44 am
hersheys dark chocolate!
2006-11-21 6:48 am
Godiva dark chocolate truffles
2006-11-21 6:39 am
Cadbury Fruit and Nut
2006-11-21 6:28 am
Got to be Opel Fruits which are now called Starburst. get them in England. Also closely followed by skittles. Favourite chocolate is a good ol' snickers. Can't be them.
2006-11-21 6:27 am
Reeses peanut butter cups. Unbelievably good!
2006-11-21 6:25 am
Godiva Dark chocolate with raspberry filling. Pricey, but definitely worth it!
2006-11-21 6:24 am
Love Hearts from Canada.
2006-11-21 6:22 am
2006-11-21 6:22 am
2006-11-21 6:22 am
2006-11-21 6:21 am

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