Favourite chocolate bar?

2006-11-20 5:53 pm

回答 (36)

2006-11-20 9:21 pm
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I m very partial to a Twix or Mars bar dunked in tea so they go all melty!
2006-11-20 6:02 pm
A free one!
2006-11-21 4:34 pm
Goplana czekolada oryginalna mleczna =)
(Goplana original milk chocolate)

It's the best!! It's Polish. Don't know if it's available in the US/UK.

Second would be Wedel czekolada mleczna, which is also Polish. This is available in most European countries, including the UK. Not so sure about US.
2006-11-20 7:55 pm
Blue Yorkie, melted in a pan and poured over ice cream and left to re-harden. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, it ever so slightly sweetens the chocolate. But remember, it's not for girls !
2006-11-20 7:21 pm
Nestles crunch.
2006-11-20 6:46 pm
2006-11-20 6:23 pm
Mint Aero, Ferrero Rocher, Kit Kat Chunky, Double Decker, Fruit and Nut, Snickers, Twix, Crunchie, well YOU asked!!!! I eat them all not fussy!
2006-11-20 6:09 pm
Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate! I simply lurrrrrve it!
2006-11-20 6:07 pm
galexy and dairy milk caramal and crunchie
2006-11-20 6:05 pm
cadbury's whole nut! yum yum yum!!!!
2006-11-20 6:05 pm
i like kit kat
2006-11-20 6:05 pm
Crunchie - honycomb delight
2006-11-20 6:05 pm
2006-11-20 6:04 pm
Hershey's bar with almonds
2006-11-20 6:02 pm
Cherry Ripe.
Can't beat it. It's a ripper!
2006-11-20 6:02 pm
2006-11-20 6:02 pm
Divine coffee chocolate bar.

Not only has it got a wicked coffee taste and gives you that chocolate hit, but its also Fair Trade, so even the producers win.

You can get it in a lot of supermarkets or in places like Oxfam (UK only I think).
2006-11-20 6:02 pm
hershey dark or if I can find it: TOBLERONE
2006-11-20 6:01 pm
2006-11-20 6:01 pm
big turk
2006-11-20 6:01 pm
Fruit and nut.
2006-11-20 6:00 pm
Turkish Delight
2006-11-20 5:59 pm
2006-11-20 5:59 pm

Or Bournville.
2006-11-20 5:57 pm
2006-11-20 5:57 pm
id say flake or aero they are the best. flake because it is sooo flaky and satisfying
and aero because the air bubbles in the middle make it so light and they melt in youre mouth!

ohh i want an aero now!!!
2006-11-20 5:57 pm
GALAXY all the way
2006-11-20 5:57 pm
moro bar
2006-11-20 5:56 pm
twix and milky way and kitkat
2006-11-20 5:56 pm
2006-11-20 5:56 pm

I so miss them
2006-11-20 5:56 pm
2006-11-20 5:56 pm
KitKat bar
2006-11-20 5:55 pm
all of them ;-)
2006-11-20 5:55 pm
Oh Henry
2006-11-20 5:54 pm
baby ruth!

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