
2006-11-21 7:59 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-23 12:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你單單問究竟綠色同藍色有乜分別, 其實只係size分別, 因為有味或唔係原咪個名會唔同!
所以如果你淨係見寫住白花油(傳統果隻), 咁綠色同藍色分別在size eg. 最細一号藍色, 二号綠色, 三號又藍色之類...

2006-11-23 04:53:13 補充:
傳統配方個瓶子就任何size都一樣是藍蓋加籃label, 只是盒唔同色..正確最細一号盒是 green, 2 is blue, 3 is green and the largest one is blue另外您講無セ字應該係清香系列 (清幽), 個盒同瓶兩個size都係綠色.應該仲有一種清香系列 (典雅), 個盒同瓶兩個size都係紫色.佢地個盒個下角應該有印清幽或典雅個字.希望幫到您啦!
參考: 自己有好多唔同size白花油
2006-11-21 8:43 am
(1) Blue is with the smell (close to oil smell) and the concentration is higher
than the green one (with lighter smell) which is the concentration is lower.

(2) Blue is manufacturing from a factroy located in region A. Green is manufacturing
from a factory located in region B.

Where region A is China or HK and region B is South East Asia (maybe singapore, why white flower cream was manufacturing by factory in singapore) ( hope I can still remember this, as I know this information 10 years ago)
參考: Answer (1) My famly experience Answer (2) from friends and Pharmacy

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