BUZZ lightyear have no fear?Buzz lightyear has no fear??

2006-11-21 7:49 am
Which one is correct?
In disney posters, it is wriiten have no fear...
but why? why not has no fear?

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 6:40 pm
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Buzz Lightyear

Have no fear

Have no fear 是一句,對像係 You (你或你們),中文是: (你)不要害怕,所以用 have。
如果係Buzz Lightyear have no fear 一句落,我夠膽講句,佢印錯。
2006-11-21 1:42 pm
Both are acceptable.

Buzz Lightyear have no fear! (This is direct speech)
Buzz Lightyear has no fear! (This is indirect speech)

Buzz Lightyear is a toy and he has many cloned brothers. So if I were Buzz Lightyear, I would say "Buzz Lightyear (We or I) have no fear!".

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