
2006-11-21 7:19 am
有冇一些例子係月經遲來一兩日, 用驗孕棒驗冇懷孕, 但之後又驗到有懷孕呢? 係咪頭一個月已有胸漲 ? 我現覺有反胃作悶, 但又不是經常, 一時時, 比平日快餓, 但有冇胸漲怖況, 今日驗過未有, 但就未來, 之前有食排卵藥, 但今個月就停了, 會否只係賀爾蒙作怪呢?

回答 (3)

2006-11-21 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
不要太緊張, 有些人因渴望懷孕, 便會出現一些如懷孕的徵狀, 俗稱假性懷孕, 這全因心理作用。只要開始計劃懷孕, 你便應當自己已懷孕一般, 小心飲食、不做劇烈運動/粗重工作、用藥前徵詢醫生, 做足保險。m過期後兩星期才驗孕也未遲, 小心神經衰弱呢。(說說笑罷了)  
2006-11-21 7:38 am
i have similar situation twice but the doctors said the pregnacy tests were quite reliable. if the result is negative, then it's negative. he said i thought too much and asked me to relax. after a few more days, my M really came. for your case, nobody can tell. if you are worried, you may test again after your M is seven days late. of course the best way is to go and find your doctor to check. good luck.
2006-11-21 7:27 am
可能是荷爾蒙作怪, 也可能忙, 便會如此, 不過不要掉以輕心, 各樣小心, 不拿重東西, 不做劇烈運動, 不要食錯東西及藥, 及不要吃涼的東西, 過多兩星期去醫生那裡驗, 佢會驗尿及看超聲波, 那時看較準. 祝好運.

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