
2006-11-21 6:16 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

材 料
牛 肋 條 1 包
洋 蔥 1 個
甘 筍 1 個
西 芹 1 小 條
麵 粉 2 湯 匙

調 味 份 量
番 茄 膏 2 湯 匙
紅 酒 200 毫 升
牛 肉 清 湯 1 罐
香 葉 1 片
鹽 1/2 茶 匙
黑 椒 粒 少 許


牛 肋 條 略 洗 切 段 。
牛 油 放 平 底 鍋 煮 溶 , 牛 肋 條 用 麵 粉 拌 勻 , 放 鍋 煎 至 兩 面 金 黃 , 取 出 備 用 。
用 原 鍋 炒 香 洋 蔥 、 甘 筍 及 西 芹 粒 , 加 入 牛 肋 條 再 炒 片 刻 , 加 入 茄膏 、 牛 肉 湯 及 調 味 料 。
蓋 鍋 蓋 用 慢 火 炆 一 小 時 至 牛 肋 條 軟 身 , 取 去 香 葉 , 調 較 味 道 , 即 可 。










2006-11-21 7:13 am
Cod in White Wine 白酒煮鱈魚
Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time : 10 min
Ingredients:- 2 onions - 2lb (900g) potatoes - 1 1/4lb (560g) of cod fillet - 2oz (50g) butter - 1pint (600ml) dry white wine - Salt and pepper
Method:1,Peel and chop the onions and potatoes.
2,Place it in the cooker with butter.
3,Cut the cod into portions.
4,Add to the cooker plus the white wine, salt and pepper.
5,Close the lid and bring to full pressure.
6,Cook for 10 minutes.
7,Release steam quickly;Remove fish immediately.
Peaches Poached in White Wine 白酒浸蜜桃
Preparation time: 15 min Cooking time : 3 min Serve 4
Ingredients:8 peaches; 6 oz (175g) caster sugar; pinch of ground cinnamon; 5/6 pt (500 ml) white wine; 8 fresh mint leaves

Method:1,Plunge the peaches into boiling water for a minute;Then place in cold water and peel off skin using a silver or stainless steel knife.
2,Leave in cold water to prevent discolouration.
3,Place all the peaches in the pan.
4,Add the sugar, cinnamon and white wine.
5,Close the lid and bring to full pressure. Cook for 3 minutes.
6,Release steam slowly.
7,Remove peaches immediately and place in a fruit bowl.
8,Pour over the wine syrup. Sprinckle over the finely chopped mint or decorate each peach with whole mint leaves. Chill in the fridge and serve very cold.
Strip Steak with Onion Wine Sauce
Prep Time: 15 min Total Time: 31 min Makes: 4 servings
Ingredients:2 cups yellow onion wedges、1 clove garlic, minced、1 Tbsp. butter or margarine、1/4 cup A.1. Original Steak Sauce、1 Tbsp. dry red wine、2 beef strip steaks (about 1 lb. total), 3/4 inch thick
Method:1,PREHEAT grill to medium-hot heat. Cook onions and garlic in butter in large skillet on medium-high heat 10 minutes or until onions are tender. Add steak sauce and wine; mix well. Bring to boil.
2,PLACE steaks on grill. Grill 6 to 8 minutes on each side for medium rare (145°F) to medium doneness (160°F). Serve topped with steak sauce mixture.
Round Out The Meal:Serve with a side of brown rice and your favorite grilled vegetable, such as zucchini, for a quick and tasty summer meal.
Great Substitute:Substitute red onions for the yellow onions.
參考: links above

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