2006-11-21 4:58 am
我下載了一些PSPgame的檔案,但是下載了的有些是壓縮檔,有些是torrent檔,但在網上說要用ISO檔,點樣變ISO檔??? (5)

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 11:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你係用新loader, 壓縮檔放落iso個file度都可以玩, 如果係torrent檔, 即係未download完囉!

2006-11-30 01:01:42 補充:
如果你用的是新loader, 壓縮檔放在iso的folder內就可以了, 如果是torrent檔, 即是還未完全download完畢的檔案, 所以不能轉換!如果是壓縮檔, 解壓之後, 應該便會是iso or cso檔了!
2006-11-21 8:31 pm
if your down file is XXX.rar is mean it is a zip format u need to unzip it
if it is a iso file when u open in win u can see XXX.iso and nowaday psp can use iso , cso , (jso this one is new format for psp not all loader can use)
torrent is bt file it is mean your file have not finish download
參考: myself

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