什麼是adverb clauses?

2006-11-21 3:45 am
什麼是adverb clauses?

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2006-11-25 5:19 am
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副詞子句(Adverb Clause)



(1) 時間:I was working when you telephoned.

Mary saw Bill when he passed by the window.

John was not shocked until he saw the sick child.

(2) 地方:Where there is a will, there is a way.

Mary followed Tom wherever he went.

Helen was told to stay where she was.

(3) 狀態:Do as I have told you.

David did his work as he was told.

Paul ran as if a mad dog was chasing him.

(4) 理由:As it was very cold, I did not go out.

Kevin failed in the examination because he was too lazy.

Since Samuel was still a boy, he was not admitted.

(5) 目的:He works hard so that he may succeed.

We eat so that we may live.

Don’t go near the pier lest you should fall into the water.

(6) 讓步:Though he is poor, he is honest.

Though Jimmy is young, he is an able executive.

No matter what you say, I will sue him for damages.

(7) 比較:He is as tall as I am.

James works harder than George does.

The more money he has, the more he wants.

(8) 條件:If you don’t work hard, you will fail.

I shall come if Linda also comes.

The match will be played tomorrow if it stops raining now.

(9) 結果:He worked so hard that he succeeded.

He ran so quickly that Alice could not catch up.

Rose sang with such a beautiful voice that the audience was completely absorbed in the music.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:08:39
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