2006-11-21 1:26 am
1) 100buns were distributed to 100 monks.If each elderly monk got 3 buns, and every three young monks had to share 1 bun, how many elderly monks and young monks were there?

2)Mr.Chan is putting some orange into some boxes. If each boxes contains50 orange ,he need one more box .If each boxes contains55oranges,one boxesis many boxes and orange are there?

回答 (2)

2006-11-21 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1). Let the no of old monks is x and the no. of young monk is y

x + y = 100 (1)
3x + y/3 = 100 (2)

(2) ==== 9x + y = 300 (3)

(1) ==== y = 100 -x (4)

Put (4) into (3)

9x + (100 - x) =300
8x = 300 - 100
x = 25

y = 100 - x
= 100 - 25
= 27

(2) let the no. of organes be m and the no of box be n

m / 50 = n + 1 (1)

m / 55 = n - 1 (2)

(1) - (2)

m/50 - m/55 = (n+1) - (n-1)
m/50 - m/55 = 2
(55m - 50m) = 2 X 50 X 55
5m = 5500
m = 1100

Put m = 1100 into (1)
m / 50 = n + 1
1100/50 = n + 1
22 = n + 1
n = 21
2006-11-21 1:42 am
1. Let a be the number og Elderly monks
Let b be the number og young monks

now we can write down the equation as follows:
a + b = 100 ..... (1)
3a + b/3 = 100 ..... (2)

from (1) we can get a = 100 - b... (3)
put (3) into (2), now we have
3(100- b) + b/3 = 100
b = 75
so, a = 100 -75 = 25

so there are 25 elderly monks and 75 young monks

2. Let a be the number of boxes
Let b be the number of orange

b/50 = a + 1
=> b = 50a+50 ..... (1)

b/55 = a- 1
=> b = 55a - 55 ..... (2)

put (1) into (2), we have

50a+50 = 55a -55
5a = 105
a = 21

and b = 50(21) + 50 = 1100

So we have 21 boxes and 1100 organges

2006-11-20 17:45:00 補充:
可能比較多字:答案(1)25 elderly Monks75 Young Monks答案(2)21 boxes1100 oranges

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