esey grammer again

2006-11-21 1:05 am
is this sentence wong in grammar?
what time your friemd are coming

回答 (4)

2006-11-21 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
What time are your friends coming?

或者用when 代替what time, 會更簡潔:
When are your friends coming?

I know what time your friends are coming. (我知道你的朋友們何時會來到。)
2006-11-21 2:25 am
What time IS it? So you should use IS instead of are as it is related to the time, not your friend(s).

但是在這裡, 你那句英文是錯的, 試用中文問問你自己, "你朋友什麼時間來?" 那就是你朋友還沒來, 他將會來, 所以應該用未來式 future tense.

句子應為: When will your friend come? 或 What time will your friend come?(但通常都不會這樣問朋友的朋友什麼時間來, 他們都會講出名字, 就是: 某某什麼時間來?

如你想問他是否現在來(嚟緊)就用: Is he coming now?
2006-11-21 1:19 am
係呀, it's wrong,
first of all,
when asking question, 個句既動詞係is/am/are/was/were, we have to place is/am/are before the subject.
e.g. When is your birtheday?
Where are you going? 而唔係 When your birthday is or where you are going.
而如果句子有一d action verbs like play, make, run.....咁我地就要加 do, does, did 等等既auxiliary verbs佢.
e.g. what do you like?
Which film do you like best?

加上我地想用 when 多過what time.....
仲有.....雙單數問題.....因為你既朋友一個人 所以應該要用is 而不是are

correct ans should be: when is your friend coming?
2006-11-21 1:09 am
When is your friend coming?

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