
2006-11-20 11:18 pm
如果你人工係一個月一萬元, 你會俾幾錢屋企?

回答 (7)

2006-11-20 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1/3 住屋
1/3 投資/儲蓄
1/3 生活開支, 消費


如你已經自己搬出來住,使費咁大,就要係1/3投資/儲蓄﹐或1/3 生活開支, 消費 度扣出來,都好難扣,如屋企唔等錢使,唔使你養,咁我建議俾1/10 ~$1000-1500 屋企,當俾零用。如要你養咁就要同家人商討。
參考: 自己
2006-11-21 1:43 am
Depends on how much your family (parents) need it.
If your family is financially secure, does not really need your money, then $1000 - $2000 is quite alright. If your family is in the just make it level, $3000 will be really good. Of course if your family has big financial difficulty, may be you should just keep what you need and give the rest to your family.
2006-11-21 12:57 am
2006-11-20 11:23 pm
$3000就夠, 但如果屋企多人就俾多D。(自己人工也是$10000)
參考: 自己
2006-11-20 11:22 pm
正常嚟講五分之二, 您都要食, 住架, 無理由唔比架. 但如果許可的話一半都應該的.
2006-11-20 11:22 pm
Max. 25% for the salary
參考: experience
2006-11-20 11:21 pm
睇下home d 使貴5 貴law~
多 gei比多 d~
我會比 $4000

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