
2006-11-20 11:17 pm
如果你有一萬蚊一個月, 你會儲幾錢?

回答 (4)

2006-11-20 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最好分三份,一份係自已的日常開支,一份係比屋企做家用,一份係儲起吾準使,用作投資或作不時之需。自已的日常開支吾夠錢用的話,有動力迫自已勤力 D,上進 D。

2006-11-20 21:50:18 補充:
2006-11-21 2:08 am
First I will estimate the necessity expense (such as money to the family, transport, lunch). Then if I will also give myself $1500 for entertainment and shopping. The rest is for saving.
eg. $3000 to family
$2000 for lunch and transport
$1000 for entertainment
So I will save $4000 each month.

2006-11-20 18:10:19 補充:
Sorry, I forgot the $500 for shopping in the example, so I only save $3500 each month.
2006-11-21 1:02 am
2006-11-20 11:33 pm
咁要事乎你o架日常開支啦,例如: 比錢屋企或者讀書咁啦......如果好幸運哋係自己揾自己洗.....hum.......$3-4000倒啦.......
參考: 自己

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