
2006-11-20 10:55 pm

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2006-11-20 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tallest Man

Robert Pershing Wadlow
2.72 m (8 ft 11 in)
Alton, Illinois, USA
Last measured on July 15, 1940

The tallest man in medical history for whom there is irrefutable evidence is Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was born at Alton, Illinois, USA, on February 22, 1918, and when he was last measured on June 27, 1940, was found to be 2.72 m (8 ft 11.1 in) tall.

Wadlow died at 1:30 a.m. on July 15, 1940, in a hotel in Manistee, Michigan, as a result of a septic blister on his right ankle caused by a brace, which had been poorly fitted only a week earlier. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Alton, in a coffin measuring 3.28 m (10 ft 9 in) long, 81 cm (32 in) wide and 76 cm (30 in) deep.

Wadlow's greatest recorded weight was 222.71 kg (35 st 1 lb) on his 21st birthday and he weighed 199 kg (31 st 5 lb) at the time of his death. His shoe size was 37AA (47 cm, 18½ in long) and his hands measured 32.4 cm (12¾ in) from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger. He wore a size 25 ring. His arm span was 2.88 m (9 ft 5¾ in) and his peak daily food consumption was 8000 calories.

At the age of nine, he was able to carry his father Harold F. Wadlow, later Mayor of Alton, who stood 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) and weighed 77 kg (170 lb), up the stairs of the family home.

Tallest Man - Living

Xi Shun
2 m 36.1 cm
(7 ft 8.95 in)
Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China.
January 15, 2005

Xi Shun (China, b. 1951), measured 7 ft 8.95 in (2 m 36.1 cm) as a result of six measurements taken on January 15, 2005, at Chifeng City Hospital, Inner Mongolia, China.

Beating the previous holder Radhouane Charbib (Tunisia) by just 2 mm (0.07 in), Xi Shun claims that his height was normal for his age until he was 16. As a comparison, his father stood at 5 ft 10.8 in (1.8 m) and his mother was 5 ft 2.8 in (1.6 m) tall.

In his late teens, he experienced a growth spurt that, while not normal, was seemingly without any cause. Doctors who examined him in 2005 discovered no evidence of gigantism or acromegaly, and could not explain why he grew so tall so fast (it took him just seven years to reach his record height).

Following a career in the Army – he was recruited for his basketball skills! – he returned to Inner Mongolia and works as a herdsman. He also hires himself out for publicity stunts for a local restaurant and tailor.

He currently resides with his father and brother at Chifeng.

Tallest Woman - Living

Sandy Allen
2.31 m (7 ft 7 in)
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
As of 1999

Sandy Allen was a 2.95-kg (6.5-lb) baby, and her abnormal growth began soon after her birth in June 1955. By the age of 10 she stood 1.905 m (6 ft 3 in) tall, and was 2.16 m (7 ft 1 in) by 16 years old. Sandy had a dream to break free of a world, that she felt she had outgrown. In her first letter to Guinness World Records in 1974 she wrote, "I would like to get to know someone that is approximately my height. It is needless to say my social life is practically nil and perhaps the publicity from your book may brighten my life." The accolade did help to bring about a reversal of fortunes for the Indiana secretary. First, there was an offer from film director Federico Fellini to take a role in his film Casanova in 1975, and then her first date with a 7-ft Illinois man. On July 14, 1977, she went into hospital for a pituitary gland operation to stop further growth. Nowadays poor circulation and weak leg muscles mean she is dependent on a wheel chair.
2006-11-20 10:57 pm
參考: me

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