MBA programme

2006-11-20 10:00 pm
There are different quality for MBA programme in Hong Kong. I want to study MBA programme (part-time study in Hong Kong) and I want to apply for non-local universities. Is there any suggestions? (I don't want to buy a master degree and I really want to learn in the programme , so the programme shall offer good quality and repution, have international recongnization, and the time of study & fee shall be reasonable)

回答 (2)

2006-11-20 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i got some information about the MBA program, from UK and Aust, the fee is around 70000-80000, if you want to get more information, u can emial me

[email protected]
2006-11-20 10:16 pm

(1) 若是美國大學,最好要有AACSB認可。
(2) 若是英國大學,最好能入全英30間最佳大學排名榜之一。
(3) 若是澳洲大學,最好至少要有3星的評級。

擁有AACSB accredited 大學頒發的MBA學位是擁有一定的升學優勢,如美國Boston University 她們的DBA課程往往都需要申請人需要持有由AACSB accredited 的大學頒發的MBA學位,如果沒有AACSB 的話她們就會認為申請人沒有讀過MBA課程。

名牌MBA,主要以「排名」及「國際聲譽」為認受條件,絕大部份名牌MBA不止要求考GMAT,而且更要求有非常優異的GMAT成績 (據我所知:不少名牌MBA入學考官,若見考生GMAT低於650分,不用再看考生其他條件,便馬上出Reject信)。若要入名牌大學讀MBA,即使你如何不喜歡GMAT,亦只有努力考好成績,否則只有望門輕嘆。

香港只有UST, CUHK, CITYU 商學院有AACSB, 代表這三間商學院。

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