西澳的Margaret River除了是知名的釀酒區外,又以什麼最為聞名?

2006-11-20 9:50 pm
西澳的Margaret River除了是知名的釀酒區外,又以什麼最為聞名?請提供來源網址

回答 (2)

2006-11-20 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Besides red wine, margaret river also popular of the food.
If you are there, do remember to drop by to Margaret River Cheese Factory.
The Margaret River Cheese and Yougurt is a must taste food.

Food aspect, Margaret River has a lot Italian restaurants.
I cannot recall the restaurant name, but I able to taste the best hand made pizza.
Cannot resist it.

If you have a chance, should go to the Voyager estate, so far this wine yard is the most beautiful i have ever been.

Below are some links regards on Margaret River, you can have a look.


2006-11-21 15:01:20 補充:
wing, 滑浪的地方是在dunsborough,是同样的region,不过离Margaret River town 都几远。http://www.dunsboroughbayvillageresort.com/
2006-11-20 10:34 pm
這次來到距離珀斯3小時車程的Margaret River,朋友說要帶我去滑浪兼品酒。風馬牛不相及的兩回事,竟然可以在同一地方享受﹖真沒想到,這正正是Margaret River魅力所在。

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