
2006-11-20 9:07 pm

回答 (2)

2006-11-20 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Under Globalization, people are more connected to one another and there is an increase in trade between nations. According to lower wage rate level, many manufacturers have moved their plants towards developing countries. Just thinking from the positive sides, foreign investments are considered as a capital inflow to the develpoing countries, the local govn't will be able improve its domestic infrastructures through tax revenues collected from foreign investors. There will also have an increase in job opportunities to local people and technologies and skills can be transferred. Furthermore, with an increase in foreign investments, this may helps to improve domestic economics status and people may be able to enjoy a better living standards.

These are some possible advantages, however we should not neglect the disadvantages as well (i.e. Exploitation of workers is possible / Local Govn't will lose some of its control towards investors )
2006-11-20 9:45 pm

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